The HTC One M8 has a black screen issue that is not repairable. This article will show you how to fix the problem and get your phone back to normal.
The what to do when your phone turns on but the screen is black is a common issue that many HTC One M8 owners have experienced. There are several potential solutions to fix the issue, such as restarting your device or performing a factory reset.
The screen of the HTC One M8 sometimes goes dark. This issue may arise in a variety of situations. It often occurs when the HTC One M8 has been dropped. After a start, lock, or sleep, the screen may stay dark. Whatever the situation may be, don’t panic; there are a few ways to get your HTC One M8’s black screen to go away. Before attempting the various methods, it will be essential to verify a few things. We’ll look at what to look for initially if the HTC One M8’s screen stays dark. We’ll go through all of the methods for unlocking this unappealing black screen a second time.
What should you look for if your HTC One M8’s screen is black?
Before you begin the techniques, we recommend that you go through the following items to better understand where the issue may arise. This will give you a decent idea of the problem’s nature.
Is the LED on the HTC One M8 on while the screen is black?
The tiny led on the top of your screen is one of the first things to look at. When the LED is red or blue and the HTC One M8 screen is black, it means the phone is turned on. In this instance, the issue is very certainly caused by the screen.
Is the HTC One M8 a fully charged device?
A severe battery depletion may prohibit the HTC One M8 from turning on for a short period of time. Leave the HTC One M8 connected for at least 1 hour to ensure that it is fully charged. If the LED does not light after that and the screen remains black, the issue may be caused by the electric battery.
Is the HTC One M8 in any way harmed?
If the HTC One M8 screen stays dark after being shocked, dropped, damp, or cracked, it is possible that the screen has been damaged. None of the methods mentioned below will work in this situation. You’ll have to take your HTC One M8 to a repairman after that.
What can you do if the screen on your HTC One M8 remains black?

After determining that the issue is caused by the screen, you may use the following methods to unlock your HTC One M8’s black screen. If one method does not work, go on to the next.
Connect the HTC One M8 to the charger
When the screen on your HTC One M8 stays dark, one option is to turn it on. This allows you to remain calm for any further manipulations. This also eliminates the possibility of a phone electric battery deep drain.
Remove the electric battery from the HTC One M8 if possible
We recommend removing the electric battery from the HTC One M8 if it is readily detachable. This may occasionally fix the black screen issue. Wait a few seconds before turning the battery back on and attempting to start the phone. Proceed to the following step if the screen is still obstructed.
Remove the SIM and SD cards
It is not uncommon for the SIM card or SD card to clash with the HTC One M8 and cause a black screen without warning. Taking out the SIM and SD cards is one of the techniques to attempt. You must attempt to start the phone once it has been completed. If it works, it means there’s a problem with the SIM card or SD card.
Restart the HTC One M8 if necessary
If the screen remains dark, a hard restart usually fixes the issue. You’ll need to hit multiple keys at the same time to achieve this. For the forced restart to function, you must remain for at least TEN seconds. Versions decide the key combination, but it had to be one of the following:
- power button + low volume
- Cough Home + low volume + power button
- power button + high volume
- Home + top volume + touch power + cough
- Home + touch power + cough
Hold on until the electric battery is completely depleted

Finally, if none of the other methods work, you may try allowing your electric battery to drain. Check to see whether the electric battery is totally depleted. After it has been completed, connect your HTC One M8 into its phone charger and attempt to start it.
The tablet turns on but screen is black is a problem that has been present for a while. HTC released an update to fix the issue.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I fix my black screen on my HTC?
This is a common issue with HTC phones that can be fixed by turning off the phone and then turning it back on.
What to do if your phone is working but the screen is black?
If your phone is working and the screen is black, try restarting your phone.
Why is my phone working but the screen is black after water damage?
This is likely due to the phones screen being broken, which prevents it from turning on. Please contact your carrier for more information.